Fruit Rugby

Bob was always the first meerkat to get up. So one day he got up and saw that the fruit ball was ready to be played with. “Yay.” Bob said. He was so excited that they could play rugby again that he accidentally woke up all of the others. They got up and saw it too! They screamed.

It was a hot day in the middle of Africa and it was a good day for a rugby game but before the game started  they had this tradition where they hug the fruit ball before they start, it gives them good luck.

A wombat had flown in on a helicopter from Australia to be the commentator. Then the game had started, there was only one Vulture on the other team. The meerkats thought that they were ready but when they looked around the fruit was not there, then they saw the fruit ball in the vultures sharp claws. The  Vulture was off. The meerkats ran faster than they had ever ran before.

Then the vulture went high into the sky. The meerkats leapt onto the vultures back. They finally got the ball, Bob got it first, then he passed to Lolo, then to John and back to Bob. “Great catching by the meerkats” the commentator said.

Then the vulture got the fruit ball again and was getting away!  The vulture was not looking where he was going and BAM,  he flew into the side of the cliff and he dropped the ball.  Bob was ready to catch it, he caught it and was heading towards the rugby post. He got ready to kick it and he did, really hard. So hard that when it hit the ground it smashed and they would have to wait until next year to play rugby again.

By Olivia

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